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2831 items found for "26 rings"
- Baseball Paradise
a tough night, giving up 3 BB and 4 hits in 4 innings, but he showed good velocity in the 89-93 MPH range
- The Yankees Way? A Brief Look At How The Championship Teams Were Built, Pt. 8: 1949-1953
Yankee money was crucial in bringing both DiMaggio and Heinrich to the Bronx.
- The One Hundred Most Important Players in Baseball History (Pt. 8)
It evolved from relievers being fringe pitchers, to later becoming firemen tasked with stopping rallies
- SSTN Interviews Tony Castro
High School – Burt Hooten, pitching for Corpus Christi King High in Texas. Unhittable.
- ALCS – Game 6 Perspectives
At one point during the series against the Twins, I stated that I hope the Yankees bring all these players
- SSTN Interviews Former Yankee Nick Swisher
He altered the Yankees clubhouse in 2009 by bringing high energy and loud hip-hop music.
- The One Hundred Most Important Players in Baseball History (Pt. 9)
When Robinson joined the Dodgers, Martin Luther King, Jr. was an undergraduate at Morehouse College and
- SSTN Interviews Author Alan D. Gaff
original heavy hitters—Frank Gilhooley, Roger Peckinpaugh, Home Run Baker, Del Pratt, Wally Pipp and Ping
- The Yankees Way? A Brief Look At How The Championship Teams Were Built, Pt. 8: 1949-1953
Yankee money was crucial in bringing both DiMaggio and Heinrich to the Bronx.
- Field of Dreams II (It is!)
What would tomorrow bring? My mom was definitely concerned over the weather.
- SSTN Interviews Author Johnny D. Boggs
that movie, though, is that Paul Stewart plays the sports editor/columnist, and Bogey sends him to bring The star is singing cowboy Smith Ballew. I’m not a big fan of those programmers or singing cowboys, but this one is a lot of fun to watch. was something about sitting in the overflow tents for fans, watching grown me cry while Roy Clark was singing